Crystal Clear Vision With NewVision Clinics

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We cannot underrate the power of our eyes. They are basically the opening to the world. It allows us to experience and feel each and every moment. Our eyes consist of 2 million tissues and cells that works simultaneously to bring out the perfect vision. It’s our duty to protect this delicate sensory organ as it is the only part where blood vessels and nerves can directly be seen. An annual eye checkup is very important, both for our vision as well as for our health. Without proper vision we are forced to rely on others whether it is while crossing a road or eating food.  

We at NewVision clinics, specialize in LASIK, cataract surgeries, refractive lens exchange and other eye treatments. LASIK is a blade free laser procedure for people with myopia and hypermetropia, it is the most frequently performed surgery in our Windsor eye clinic. Our doctors take around 10 to 15 minutes for the procedure and it has extremely quick recovery. 

We also hold annual seminars and conferences on optometry where our expert ophthalmologists provide latest information and techniques in ophthalmology where you can directly interact and ask questions from our professionals and surgeons about laser surgery. At seminars, all attendees are provided with a discount voucher of $400 for the surgery and another one of equal value for friends and family. 

It is very important to visit an eye doctor annually for proper examination. Only a good ophthalmologist and optometrist can ensure that your vision is clear and that it is free from all kind of diseases or complications. Every eye doctor at NewVision clinics will first carry out an exam to see whether it’s a cataract or any other disease that is affecting patients’ vision, we then, discuss the details with patients according to the budget. we have a team of skilled doctors and surgeons who are curing and serving patients in all aspects. Through our expert ophthalmologists, we have developed ourselves as one of the most reputed names in the field of eye care. Our team of doctors and surgeons are experienced in dealing with eye emergencies like loss of vision, double vision, bleeding from the eye, eye pain, redness, blurred vision, floating spots, discharges from the eye, itching, headache etc. The main reason behind our success is that we promote information through seminars and conferences so that people are aware of the reasons causing blindness and low vision. Those who do not take eye examination seriously can lead to blindness, so prevention is always better than loss. 

We are working in this field for years now and continue to satisfy thousands of people. We have high level of dedicated expertise from whom you can expect pioneering services in each step. So, whenever you are facing vision issues contact NewVision clinics for skilled and professional help.